

Cultura di


Culture and tradition

Discovering the artistic and cultural beauties of the Municipality of Vigolo

Over the centuries, the deep Catholic faith by local residents has led to the creation of important architectural work of remarkable beauty for the village.


Il Paese, grazie alla sua invidiabile posizione geografica, offre un gran numero di attrazioni dal punto di vista naturalistico. Distese erbose, pinete e pascoli punteggiati da numerose cascine fanno da cornice alla magnifica vista sul Lago d’Iseo. È in questo contesto che si possono ammirare alcune opere architettoniche di particolare rilievo.


Of great impact is the Parish Church, consecrated in 1781 to Santa Maria Assunta, patron saint of Vigolo, which has been restored several times over the past until its completion in the 1990s. Noteworthy for its beauty and historical importance, the little church dedicated to San Rocco was built after the plague of 1630 as a sign of thankfulness for the escaped epidemic danger.

On the outskirts of the village there is the Sanctuary of Madonna di Loreto built in 1834, also called Madonna del Dosso, in reference to the hill on which it stands. Last but not least, a series of frescoes along Vigolo’s main street were painted during a town embellishment project, promoted by the Pro Loco Vigolo. Their variety, however, conveys into just one word “tradition”: every single masterpiece captures a particular moment of every day’s life for local residents.


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